Бизнес в Китае
Мини - заводы из Китая от компании MEGA POWER Hong Kong Croup Limited


40 汽车综合
41 轿车
42 客车
43 栽货汽车
44 越野汽车
45 牵引汽车
46 自卸汽车
47 新能源汽车及其他类型汽车

T40 GB/T 918. 1-1989 道路车辆分类与代码机动车
Classification and code for road vehicles - Motor vehicle
T40 GB/T 918. 2-1989 道路车辆分类与代码非机动车
Classification and code for road vehicles-Non-motor vehicle
T40 GB/T 4971-1985 汽车平顺性名词术语和定义
Terms and definitions - Automotive ride comfort
T40 GB/T 5902-1986 汽车平顺性脉冲输入行驶试验方法
Method of pulse input running test - Automobile ride-comfort
T40 GB/T 6104-1985 机动工业车辆名词术语
Powered industrial trucks-Terminology
T40 GB/T 6323. 1-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法蛇行试验
Controllability and stability test procedure for auto-mobiles-Pylon course slalom test
T40 GB/T 6323.2-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法 转向瞬态响应试验(转向盘转角阶跃输入)
Controllability and stability test procedure for auto-mobiles - Steering transient response test(Steering wheel angle step input)
T40 GB/T 6323.3 - 1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法 转向瞬态响应试验(转向盘转角脉冲输人)
Controllability and stability test procedure for auto-mobiles-Steering transient response test(Steering wheel angle pulse input)
T40 GB/T 6323. 4-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法转向回正性能试验
Controllability and stability test procedure for auto-mobiles - Returnability test
T40 GB/T 6323. 5-1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法转向轻便性试验
Controllability and stability test procedure for auto-mobiles-Steering efforts test procedure
T40 GB/T 6323. 6 - 1994 汽车操纵稳定性试验方法稳态回转试验
Controllability and stability test procedure for auto-mobiles-Steady static circular test procedure
T40 GB/T 12538 - 2003 两轴道路车辆重心位置的测定
Road vehicles with two axles-Determination of centre of gravity
T40 GB/T 12545. 1 - 2001乘用车燃料消耗量试验方法
Passenger car - Fuel consumption test method
T40 GB/T 12545. 2 - 2001商用车辆燃料消耗量试验方法
Commercial vehicle-Fuel consumption test method
T40 GB/T 19233 - 2003 轻型汽车燃料消耗量试验方法
Measurement methods of fuel consumption for light-duty vehicles
T40 GB/T 19515 - 2004 道路车辆可再利用性和可回收利用性计算方法
Road vehicles - Recyclability and recoverability - Calculation method
T40 GB 19578 - 2004 乘用车燃料消耗量限值
Limits of fuel consumption for passenger cars
T41 GB/T 5910-1998 轿车质量分布
Passenger car - Mass distribution
T42 GB/T 11381-1989 客车顶部静载试验方法
Method of static load test for bus top
T42 GB/T 12428-1990 客车装载质量计算方法
Loaden mass calculation of buses
T42 GB/T 12432-1990 客车乘客门门泵技术条件
specification for passenger door cylinder of buses
T42 GB/T 12433-1990 客车乘客门门泵试验方法
Testing method for passenger door cylinder of buses
T42 GB/T 13043-1991 客车定型试验规程
Buses-Engineering approval evaluation program
T42 GB/T 13044-1991 轻型客车定型试验规程
Light buses-Engineering approval evaluation pro-gram
T42 GB/T 16887-1997 卧铺客车技术条件
Specification for sleeper bus
T42 GB/T 19260 - 2003 低地板及低入口城市客车结构要求
Structure requirements of low floor city-bus and low entry city-bus
T43 GB/T 1332-1991 载货汽车定型试验规程
Trucks-Engineering approval evaluation program
T43 GB/T 17347-1998 商用道路车辆尺寸代码
Commercial road vehicles-Dimensional codes
T43 GB/T 19234 - 2003 乘用车尺寸代码
Dimensional codes for passenger cars
T45 GB/T 7361-1987 半挂牵引车的制动及电路连接位置
Brake and electrical connection locations of semi trailer towing vehicle
T45 GB/T 7362-1987 全挂牵引车和货车的制动及电路连接位置
Brake and electrical connection locations of truck and trailer-towing vehicle
T47 GB/T 18385 - 2001 电动汽车动力性能试验方法
Electric vehicles-Power performance-Test method
T47 GB/T 18386 - 2001 电动汽车能量消耗率和续驶里程试验方法
Electric vehicles - Reference energy consumption and range - Test procedures
T47 GB/T 18388 - 2001 电动汽车定型试验规程
Electric vehicles-Engineering approval evaluation program
T47 GB/T 18488. 1 - 2001电动汽车用电机及其控制器技术条件
General specification of the electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles
T47 GB/T 18488. 2 - 2001电动汽车用电机及其控制器试验方法
Test procedures of the electrical machines and controllers for electric vehicles
T47 GB/T 19235 - 2003 液化石油气加气机加气枪
Fueling nozzle for LPG dispenser
T47 GB/T 19236 - 2003 压缩天然气加气机加气枪
Fueling nozzle for CNG dispenser
T47 GB/T 19227 - 2003 汽车用压缩天然气加气机
Compressed natural gas dispenser for vehicle
T47 GB/T 19238 - 2003 汽车用液化石油气加气机
Liquefied petroleum gas dispenser for vehicle
T47 GB/T 19239 - 2003 液化石油气汽车专用装置的安装要求
Mounting requirements of special equipment for liquefied petroleum gas vehicles
T47 GB/T 19240 - 2003 压缩天然气汽车专用装置的安装要求
Mounting requirements of special equipment for com-pressed natural gas vehicles
T47 GB 19344 - 2003 在用燃气汽车燃气供给系统泄漏安全技术要求及检验方法
Technique requirement and test method of leaking-safety of gas supply system on using gas vehicle
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