Бизнес в Китае
Мини - заводы из Китая от компании MEGA POWER Hong Kong Croup Limited

Загрузка и разгрузка в порту

40 Загрузка и разгрузка в порту
41 Портовые работы и мероприятия
42 Портовая связь и навигация
43 Портовые погрузочные работы
44 Работа и управление складированием и хранением в порту
45 Специальная портовая техника
46 Инструмент и оборудование для портовой погрузки

R40 GB/T 8487 - 1987 港口装卸术语
Terms for port cargo handling
R43 GB 6944 - 1986 危险货物分类和品名编号
Classification and code of dangerous goods
R43 GB 11602 - 1989 集装箱港口装卸作业安全规程
The safe rules for handling in container port
R43 GB 14734 - 1993 港口浮式起重机安全规程
Safety nlles for port floating crane
R43 GB/T 15626 - 1995 散装液体化工产品港口装卸技术要求
The specifications for port handling of liquid chemicals in bulk
R44 GB/T 13145 - 1991 机械式冷藏集装箱堆场技术管理要求
Specification and management requirements of the stacking yard for mechanical refrigerated containers
R46 GB 14735 - 1993 港口装卸用吊钩使用技术条件
Specifications for the operation of hook used in the port cargo handling
R46 GB 14736 - 1993 港口装卸用吊环使用技术条件
Specification for the operation of the sling used in the port cargo handling
R46 GB 14737 - 1993 港口装卸用链式吊索使用技术条件
Specifications for the operation of chain slings used in the port cargo handling
R46 GB 14738 - 1993 港口装卸用钢丝绳吊索使用技术条件
Specifications for the operation of wire rope slings used in the port cargo handling
R46 GB 14739 - 1993 港口装卸用纤维绳吊索使用技术条件
Specifications for the operation of fibre sling used in the port cargo handling
R46 GB/T 14741 - 1993 港口吸粮机技术条件
Specifications of port pneumatic grain unloader
R46 GB/T 14742 - 1993 港口吸粮机试验方法
Test methods of port pneumatic grain unloader
R46 GB/T 14743 - 1993 港口轮胎起重机技术条件
Specifications of port wheel crane
R46 GB/T 14744 - 1993 港口轮胎起重机试验方法
Test methods for port wheel crane
R46 GB/T 14783 - 1993 轮胎式集装箱门式起重机技术条件
Rubber tyred transtainer - Specifications
R46 GB/T 15360 - 1994 岸边集装箱起重机试验方法
Test method for the quayside container crane
R46 GB/T 15361 - 1994 岸边集装箱起重机技术条件
Specifications of quayside container crane
R46 GB/T 15362 - 1994 轮胎式集装箱门式起重机试验方法
Test method of mbber-tyred transtainer
R46 GB/T 16562 - 1996 港口高塔柱式轨道起重机技术条件
Specifications for port raft-mounted high mast type Crane
R46 GB/T 16905-1997 集装箱正面吊运起重机试验方法
Test method for the crane of container front-handling mobile
R46 GB 17992-1999 集装箱正面吊运起重机安全规程
Safete code for the container reach stacker
R46 GB 18224 - 2000 桥式抓斗卸船机安全规程
Safety code for the bridge type grab ship unloader
R46 GB/T 18438 - 2001 港口起重机验收试验规则
Harbour crane - Acceptance test rule
R46 GB/T 18439 - 2001 港口起重机稳定性基本要求
Harbour crane - General requirements for stability
R46 GB/T 18440 - 2001 港口起重机技术性能和验收文件
Harbour crane - Technical characteristics and acceptance documents
R46 GB/T 18441 - 2001 港口起重机供需必备文件
Harbour crane - Information to be provided
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